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Monday, June 22, 2009

We Are Not The Real Terrorists










Non of You was killed



But ours are quite many....

Still believe we are the real terrorists?










And for what?

What did these innocents do to deserve being killed in this inhumane manner?


What did these babies do in their short life to be slaughtered in this savage way?



What did unarmed old women do

 to see death among them?



What did mohammad's el dorra father do to see his son killed before his eyes and all the world stood still and did nothing?!



What did the world and United Nations do

 to stop Israel from using cluster bombs?

Read on here about cluster bombs

They are just talking but not doing:

Those kinds of weapons shouldn't be used in civilian and populated areas ... and (we need to) move very quickly to disarm them," Annan said in Jordan ,  Friday, 1st of September 2006

Cluster munitions are unacceptably inaccurate and unreliable weapons when used around civilians," said Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch. "They should never be used in populated areas."  


Why in this era, Arabs and Muslims blood is so cheap?


Why is Israel doing this? Is it because they are "securing themselves"?



Is spilling the blood on the ground,

Is killing babies,

Is killing whole families,

Is using weapons that are internationally prohibited

Humane actions and considered

"securing themselves"?!

Even predator animals don't kill for fun!

As for the USA ,

Have you ever deeply looked in its actions?



Why is it always supporting Israel in all these crimes that are against human rights, against religions and against the human and moral constitution?


Why is Veto used for Israel ?

Here's a full list of it .. isnt it against human existance?! :



Resolution Vetoed by the USA


Condemns Israel for killing hundreds of people in Syria and Lebanon in air raids.


Affirms the rights of the Palestinians and calls on Israel to withdraw from the occupied territories.


Condemns Israel for attacking Lebanese civilians.

Condemns Israel for building settlements in the occupied territories.

Calls for self determination for the Palestinians.

Affirms the rights of the Palestinians.



Criticizes the living conditions of the Palestinians.

Condemns the Israeli human rights record in occupied territories.


Calls for developed countries to increase the quantity and quality of development assistance to underdeveloped countries.


Calls for an end to all military and nuclear collaboration with the apartheid South Africa .

Strengthens the arms embargo against South Africa .

Offers assistance to all the oppressed people of South Africa and their liberation movement.

Concerns negotiations on disarmament and cessation of the nuclear arms race.

Calls for the return of all inhabitants expelled by Israel

Demands that Israel desist from human rights violations.

Requests a report on the living conditions of Palestinians in occupied Arab countries.

Offers assistance to the Palestinian people.

Discusses sovereignty over national resources in occupied Arab territories.

Calls for protection of developing counties' exports.

Calls for alternative approaches within the United Nations system for improving the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Opposes support for intervention in the internal or external affairs of states.

For a United Nations Conference on Women.

To include Palestinian women in the United Nations Conference on Women.

Safeguards rights of developing countries in multinational trade negotiations.


Requests Israel to return displaced persons.

Condemns Israeli policy regarding the living conditions of the Palestinian people.

Condemns Israeli human rights practices in occupied territories.

Affirms the right of self determination for the Palestinians.


Offers assistance to the oppressed people of South Africa and their national liberation movement.


Attempts to establish a New International Economic Order to promote the growth of underdeveloped countries and international economic co-operation.

Endorses the Program of Action for Second Half of United Nations Decade for Women.

Declaration of non-use of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear states.

Emphasizes that the development of nations and individuals is a human right.

Calls for the cessation of all nuclear test explosions.

Calls for the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples.


Promotes co-operative movements in developing countries.

Affirms the right of every state to choose its economic and social system in accord with the will of its people, without outside interference in whatever form it takes.


Condemns activities of foreign economic interests in colonial territories.

Calls for the ending of all test explosions of nuclear weapons.

Calls for action in support of measures to prevent nuclear war, curb the arms race and promote disarmament.

Urges negotiations on prohibition of chemical and biological weapons.

Declares that education, work, health care, proper nourishment, national development, etc are human rights.

Concerns changes to the United Nations accounting methods.


Condemns South Africa for attacks on neighboring states, condemns apartheid and attempts to strengthen sanctions.


Condemns an attempted coup by South Africa on the Seychelles


Demands that Israel cease excavations in areas of East Jerusalem considered by the United Nations to be part of the occupied territories.

Condemns Israel for bombing Iraqi nuclear installations.

Condemns Israeli policy regarding living conditions of the Palestinian people.

To establish a nuclear weapon free zone in the Middle East.

To establish rights for the Palestinian people.

To clarify the status of Jerusalem .

Discusses Palestinian refugees in the Gaza Strip.

Concerning the rights of displaced Palestinians to return to their homes.

Concerning revenues from Palestinian refugees' properties.

Establishment of the University of Jerusalem for Palestinian refugees.

Concerning Israeli human rights violations in occupied territories.

Condemns Israel closing of universities in occupied territories.

Opposes Israel 's decision to build a canal linking the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean Sea .

Discusses sovereignty over national resources in occupied Palestine and other Arab territories.

Affirms the non-applicability of Israeli law over the Golan Heights .




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